shaman restoration wow wotlk

Restoration Shaman Healing PVE Guide – WotLK

Welcome to the PVE Restoration Shaman Healing Guide for World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King!

This guide will teach you how to play a Restoration Shaman Healing in a raid. It covers talents, glyphs, gems, enchantments, rotation, and gameplay tips.


This is a standard talent tree. If you are sure that you will have a Holy Priest or another Restoration Shaman with Ancestral Healing, then use those talent points for Elemental Weapons and Cleanse Spirit.

restoration shaman talent tree wow 3.3.5a


Major Glyphs

Depending on your current gear, these might be viable

People with low gear may consider taking these

Minor Glyphs


Gems are situational and depend on the build and equipment. They are used to reach the required stat caps.



Use Water Shield on yourself before the fight, this will be your main mana regeneration source. Apply Earthliving Weapon on your weapon and choose 4 needed totems depending on the classes you have in your party. Also, apply Earth Shield on your Tank.

The fight started. Use Chain Heal, and Healing Wave on those who got very low on their hp. Don’t forget to use Nature’s Swiftness and Tidal Force if the raid has taken a lot of damage. Properly replace your totems if needed. Update shields on you and the tank.

If low on mana – then use Mana Tide. Or you can ask for Hymn of Hope from a Priest or Innervate from a Druid.

  1. Spell Power
  2. Haste
  3. Critical Strike Rating
  4. Intellect & Mp/5

Spell Power is the primary stat as it increases the effectiveness of your spells. Haste is also essential, as it increases the amount of heals cast in a certain period. The soft cap for Haste is 38.7% (or 1269 Haste rating, while buffed), which will lower the cast time of Lesser Healing Wave to down 1 second.

Critical Strike Rating is a secondary stat that can boost your efficiency significantly. Heal crits improve your mana regeneration via Improved Water Shield and also provide additional instant healing via Ancestral Awakening talent and a HoT with the 4t10 set bonus – Malfurion’s Garb. There is no soft cap for critical strike rating. Start with reaching 30% once you can get your hands on some decent gear, and continue up to roughly 50% in higher tier content via gear upgrades.

Intellect is gained passively through gear upgrades. It increases the mana pool and converts partially into crit rating. Mp/5 stat is a relatively low-value stat since its efficiency lowers in higher tier content, and critical strike rating can effectively outdo it in terms of mana regeneration.

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