Alchemy Leveling Guide 1 450 – WotLK World of Warcraft

Alchemy Leveling Guide 1-450 – WotLK

This guide outlines the most efficient path to level your Alchemy skill from 1 to 450 in Wrath of the Lich King with a focus on readily available recipes. Alchemy is frequently paired with Herbalism as the second primary profession.


ProficiencySkill LevelsReq LevelReq Skill Level
Grand Master376-45065350

Required Materials

Quantities are estimates as not all steps may grant a skill up due to them being yellow.


Alliance Alliance Icon World of WarcraftHorde Horde Icon - World of Warcraft
Tally Berryfizz in IronforgeYelmak in Orgrimmar
Lilyssia Nightbreeze in Stormwind CityDoctor Herbert Halsey in Undercity
Ainethil in DarnassusBena Winterhoof in Thunder Bluff
Lucc in The ExodarCamberon in Silvermoon City
Alchemist GribbleAlliance Alliance Icon World of WarcraftHellfire Peninsula
Apothecary AntonivichHorde Horde Icon - World of WarcraftHellfire Peninsula
LorokeemBoth Alliance Icon World of WarcraftHorde Icon - World of WarcraftShattrath
Alliance Alliance Icon World of WarcraftHorde Horde Icon - World of Warcraft
Linzy Blackbolt in DalaranLinzy Blackbolt in Dalaran
Lanolis Dewdrop in Howling FjordWilhelmina Renel in Howling Fjord
Falorn Nightwhisper in Borean TundraArthur Henslowe in Borean Tundra
Apothecary Wormwick in Dragonblight
Apothecary Bressa in Dragonblight


Apprentice 1-75

Journeyman 76-150

Visit an alchemy trainer to be able to level past 75. Your character must be level 10 or higher.

Expert 151-225

Visit an alchemy trainer to be able to level past 150. Your character must be level 20 or higher.

  • 151-155: Lesser Mana Potion x10
    10 Mageroyal, 10 Stranglekelp, 10 Empty Vial
    Fire Oil can also be made for these levels if mats are cheaper
  • 156-185: Greater Healing Potion x35
    35 Liferoot, 35 Kingsblood, 35 Leaded Vial
  • 186-210: Elixir of Agility x30
    30 Stranglekelp, 30 Goldthorn, 30 Leaded Vial
    Mana Potion, Lesser Invisibility Potion, Nature Protection Potion can also be made for these levels if mats are cheaper
  • 211-215: Elixir of Greater Defense x15
    5 Steelbloom, 5 Goldthorn, 5 Leaded Vial
  • 216-225: Superior Healing Potion x10
    10 Sungrass, 10 Khadgar’s Whisker, 10 Crystal Vial

Artisan 226-300

Visit an alchemy trainer to be able to level past 225. Your character must be level 35 or higher.

Master 301-375

Visit an alchemy trainer to be able to level past 300. Your character must be level 50 or higher.

Alchemist GribbleAlliance Alliance Icon World of WarcraftHellfire Peninsula
Apothecary AntonivichHorde Horde Icon - World of WarcraftHellfire Peninsula
LorokeemBoth Alliance Icon World of WarcraftHorde Icon - World of WarcraftShattrath

Grand Master 376-450

Visit an alchemy trainer to be able to level past 375. Your character must be level 65 or higher.

Alliance Alliance Icon World of WarcraftHorde Horde Icon - World of Warcraft
Linzy Blackbolt in DalaranLinzy Blackbolt in Dalaran
Lanolis Dewdrop in Howling FjordWilhelmina Renel in Howling Fjord
Falorn Nightwhisper in Borean TundraArthur Henslowe in Borean Tundra
Apothecary Wormwick in Dragonblight
Apothecary Bressa in Dragonblight

In the endgame of WotLK, flasks and transmutations are two of the most sought after uses of Alchemy.

For raiding, and to a lesser extent PvP, Flask of the Frost Wyrm, Flask of Stoneblood, Flask of Pure Mojo, and Flask of Endless Rage are all necessary for a successful group, and most parties will not start without them. Here, being a Master of Elixirs could come in handy, as your procs can either go to your group, increasing your own value, or straight to the AH where there will certainly be a market waiting.

Alchemists are also able to create the epic gems necessary to fill the slots present on high level gear. Making Cardinal Ruby with Transmute: Cardinal Ruby, Majestic Zircon with Transmute: Majestic Zircon, King’s Amber with Transmute: King’s Amber, or others are all incredibly useful and valuable ways to use your Grand Master Alchemy. Transmutation is also important to create Titanium Bar with  Transmute: Titanium. Though the material cost for each of these is quite steep, the gems and bars can fetch quite a high amount on the AH. The one thing to note about these spells is that while they can all proc the Transmutation Master effect, they also all share a lengthy cooldown, so choose wisely.

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