Vanilla & WoW Classic Chest Farming & Locations

Vanilla & WoW Classic Chest Farming & Locations

There are multiple types of chests and quite a few use the same name but have different IDs so they show up separately.

Battered Chest

  • 4 different object IDs for these
  • Generally used for starting zones and low level areas

DB Links

Large Battered Chest

  • Generally found in lower level instances

DB Links

Solid Chest

  • 8 different object IDs for these
  • Generally found in level 10 to level 60 zones

DB Links

Tattered Chest

  • 6 different object IDs for these
  • Generally found in mid level zones

DB Links

Large Solid Chest, Large Iron Bound Chest, Large Mithril Bound Chest

  • 5 different object IDs for Large Solid Chest
  • 3 different object IDs for Large Iron Bound Chest
  • 3 different object IDs for Large Mithril Bound Chest
  • Generally found in mid to high level instances

DB Links (no maps available)

Misc Chests

Witch Doctor’s Chest –

Found inside ZF, not really any good loot though.

Old Treasure Chest –

Found inside Scholomance, mostly green weapons or armor but a chance for a couple of blues. You have to click a torch on a wall near Jandice Barov.

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