holy paladin healer wow cataclysm

Holy Paladin PVE Guide – Cataclysm

Welcome to the PVE Holy Paladin Guide for World of Warcraft Cataclysm!

This guide will teach you how to play a Holy Paladin in a raid. It covers talents, glyphs, gems, enchantments, rotation, and gameplay tips.


This talent build takes the standard Holy Paladin talents.

Holy Paladin PvE Build cataclysm Talents and Glyphs


Prime Glyphs

Major Glyphs

Minor Glyphs


Gems are situational and depend on the build and equipment. They are used to reach the required stat caps.


Stat Priority

Take Spirit until you’re happy with your mana regeneration. Haste is only useful up if you can hit soft caps, so don’t bother adding extra haste until you can reach the next cap.

  • Intellect
  • Spirit
  • Haste
  • Critical Strike
  • Mastery

Rotation & Gameplay

Rotation & Cooldowns

Healing as a Holy Paladin is reactive based on what is happening to your raid members, so there is no set rotation. Instead, use the following priority suggestions — note that even when damage gets high on some raid members, you can continue using the lower-heal spells on top of the more powerful ones as needed, except where noted.

Healing Priority


  • Use Judgement at least once a minute to refresh Judgements of the Pure
  • Use Crusader Strike off cooldown to generate Holy Power
  • Melee the Boss when safe to regen mana via Seal of Insight
  • Make sure your Beacon of Light is on a target as assigned, generally the tank
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