Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1 450 – WotLK

Leatherworking Leveling Guide 1-450 – WotLK

For Leather and Mail armor wearers, Leatherworking can be one of the most valuable professions in WoW. As you level, it allows you to craft competitive gear, and once you’ve capped, you’re able to make pre-raid epics to raise your iLvl or prepare for Heroic 5-mans. These pieces, like Revenant’s Breastplate, Durable Nerubhide Cape, and Earthgiving Legguards, are all BoE, so they can also be sold on the Auction House, giving you the chance to earn some serious profit. Leatherworkers also learn patterns from each raiding tier in WotLK. From Ulduar, you can learn to make boots like Boots of Living Scale and belts like Belt of Arctic Life, and in ToC you’ll find Designs for chest pieces like Ensorcelled Nerubian Breastplate and wrists like Bracers of Swift Death. Finally, in ICC, you can purchase the recipes for leg armor like Legwraps of Unleashed Nature and boots like Footpads of Impending Death.

To gather the necessary leather and hides for crafting, most players choose Skinning as their gathering profession. Unlike most other gathering professions, Skinning only provides materials for Leatherworking, so the market for buying and selling these reagents varies more from server to server. Because of this, pairing both professions together can help save time and money that would be spent depending on the Auction House.

Old World

Like most crafting professions, Blizzard has given trainers in any major Vanilla city the ability to teach players from Apprentice through Artisan. This guide, however, does recommend recipes that must be purchased in Ironforge and Orgrimmar, so training in either will streamline the leveling process.


After crossing through the Dark Portal, the Master Leatherworking trainers will be with the other Master profession trainers in your faction’s first questing area. Alliance players at Honor Hold will need to speak to Brumman, and Barim Spilthoof in Thrallmar will train the Horde. Once all players have access Shattrath, you’ll be able to learn from Darmari in Lower City as well.


In Northrend, Leatherworking training is a bit different than other professions. Alliance players will still speak with Rosemary Bovard in their faction’s starting area at Valiance Keep. The Horde, however, will need to go to Taunka’le Village which is northwest of Warsong Hold towards the Sholazar Basin border. There, you’ll need to find Awan Iceborn, and he can teach you.

Once all players gain access to Dalaran, they can learn from Diane Cannings in Magus Commerce Exchange, and Kul’de will serve all at the Argent Tournament Grounds.

Because this is a power leveling guide, learning from Diane is the most advisable, as you can take portals to whatever city you need and any additional materials can be purchased from the nearby AH.

Old World



[Additional Materials will be necessary to complete the last step of leveling, but they depend on your choice. A complete list of options is below.]

1 – 20: Light Leather

20 – 30: Light Armor Kit

30 – 50: Handstitched Leather Cloak

50 – 55: Small Leather Ammo Pouch

After you finish with the pouches, return to your trainer and learn Journeyman.

55 – 85: Embossed Leather Gloves

85 – 100: Fine Leather Belt

Save these (and the upcoming Hides)! You will need to use them later.

100 – 115: Cured Medium Hide


100 – 115: Medium Armor Kit

115 – 130: Dark Leather Boots

Once you’ve finished crafting these boots, you should go train up to Expert.

130 – 145: Dark Leather Belt

145 – 150: Hillman’s Leather Gloves

After making these gloves, you’ll need to purchase Pattern: Heavy Leather Ball to continue power leveling. The Horde can buy it from Tamar in Orgrimmar, and the Alliance will need to find Bombus Finespindle in Ironforge.

150 – 155: Heavy Leather Ball

Between 155 and 200, there are two paths available. If you have access to enough Heavy Hide, make the Cured Hides and follow the recipes to 200, but if you don’t you’ll need to gather additional Heavy Leather and go to Arathi Highlands to purchase a pattern that uses Raptor Hide. For Alliance, that involves finding Androd Fadran at Refuge Pointe and buying Pattern: Raptor Hide Belt. The Horde can find their equivalent recipe, Pattern: Raptor Hide Harness, for sale from Tunkk in Hammerfall.

155 – 165: Cured Heavy Hide

165 – 180: Heavy Armor Kit

180 – 190: Barbaric Shoulders

190 – 200: Guardian Gloves


155 – 180: Heavy Armor Kit

180 – 200: Raptor Hide Belt or Raptor Hide Harness

If Raptor Hide is too difficult for you to gather, you also have the option of crafting Guardian Pants. To do so, you’ll need to gather Heavy Leather, Bolt of Silk Cloth, and Fine Thread.

200 – 205: Thick Armor Kit

Following these Armor Kits, you should head to your trainer and learn your final Vanilla tier: Artisan.

205 – 235: Nightscape Headband

235 – 250: Nightscape Pants

250 – 275: Rugged Armor Kit

When you finish these kits, you’ll have another choice of which pattern to make, depending on their availability. Two of the four are world drops which can be purchased on the AH, if available, or farmed from various locations. If you’re unable to find these, the other two are sold by Qia at Everlook in Winterspring and Zannok Hidepiercer in Silithus near the entrance to Un’Goro Crater. All of them use Rugged Leather and Rune Thread, but they differ on the third material necessary. The choices are:

275 – 300: Wicked Leather Bracers, Wicked Leather Headband, Heavy Scorpid Bracers, or Frostsaber Boots

After you’ve made enough of these pieces to reach 300, head to Outland and become a Master Leatherworker.

300 – 310: Knothide Leather

310 – 325: Knothide Armor Kit

You can also make Armor Kits from 300 – 325, if you have already Leather instead of Scraps. To reach 335, and to make gear beyond that, all players will need to buy Pattern: Heavy Knothide Leather. Both factions can purchase the pattern from Cro Threadstrong in the Lower City of Shattrath. It is also available in the faction specific TBC capitals, so Alliance can purchase it from Haferet in The Exodar and Horde from Zaralda in Silvermoon City.

325 – 335: Heavy Knothide Leather

335 – 340: Thick Draenic Vest

340 – 350: Scaled Draenic Boots

Once you’ve finished these boots, you can finally head to Northrend and learn Grand Master. Horde players, remember that the Grand Master trainer will not be in Warsong Hold; he’ll be in Taunka’le Village, northwest of Warsong Hold towards Sholazar Basin.

350 – 380: Borean Armor Kit

380 – 390: Arctic Boots

390 – 405: Heavy Borean Leather

Between 405 and 420, there are two options. The choice comes down to whether you have easier access to Crystallized Water or Crystallized Shadow.

405 – 420: Dark Frostscale Leggings or Dark Iceborne Leggings

To power level to 450, you will have to purchase the recipes for 420 – 435 from Braeg Stoutbeard in Dalaran. This is one of the reasons it is advisable to train with Diane Cannings for at least this stage. For 420 – 425, you’ll need Pattern: Overcast Bracers, and for 425 – 435 you’ll need Pattern: Overcast Handwraps. Each pattern will individually cost 3x Heavy Borean Leather, totalling 6. These have already been calculated into the count at the beginning.

420 – 425: Overcast Bracers

425 – 435: Overcast Handwraps

435 – 440: Frosthide Leg Armor

To finish leveling Grand Master, you’ll need to craft 10 Epic items. The only consistent reagent between these is 1x Frozen Orb, but other reagents change from item to item.

One easy way to find the materials is to advertise in Trade that you will craft the items at no cost for anyone who brings you all of them. If that doesn’t work for you, then you’ll need to consider which of these will be easiest or cheapest to craft based on your server’s economy.

440 – 450: Any Epic Gear (Organized from least to most required materials)

And you’re done! Congratulations! Keep reading to find out about the Patterns that drop in each of WotLK’s raids.

Once you’ve capped, you’ll be able to craft some of the most powerful BoE Leather and Mail gear using patterns dropped in raids. Keep in mind, though, that all patterns are BoP, so you must collect them yourself. After you do, however, you’ll be able to craft the gear for your guildmates or members of your raiding group, or you can list it on the AH and sell to those looking for ways to get an iLvl increase or advantage.

In Ulduar, Leatherworkers will find recipes for boots and belts. They drop either directly off of bosses on Heroic or in the caches throughout the raid. All require a Runed Orb, but there are patterns for each spec and armor type.

Like with patterns in Ulduar, ToC patterns also drop directly from bosses or in the caches open after Trial rounds end. Similarly to the Ulduar pattern’s use of Runed Orbs, ToC patterns also all require the use of a Crusader Orb to craft. Because these orbs don’t bind to a player, it is possible to purchase them on the AH or in exchange for other things, but it may cost quite a bit if you aren’t willing to get them yourself. From ToC, Leatherworkers can learn chest and wrist patterns.

Finally, in ICC, patterns can be purchased directly from Alchemist Finklestein of The Ashen Verdict on the Lower level of the Citadel. Each costs 1x Primordial Saronite and will use at least 5x Primordial Saronite to craft the gear itself. ICC patterns are for leg armor and boots.

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